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P a g e
Edge 540/2.6m
Parts Required:
Wooden Tank Tray Components
Plywood Tank Tray Saddle Components
Tank Tray parts bag
Fuel Tank DuBro 32oz
Tygon Fuel Line
Tools Required:
Steel rule(s)
Marking pen
Ball Driver(s)
Fitting the fuel tank tray should be one of the last things you do
when assembling the Edge 540. Although the tank tray is
designed to be removable, to give you better access to the front
of the model. It can still be a little awkward working around the
tank tray saddle, which is permanently fixed in position on the
wing tube socket. So with this in mind sort out your equipment fit
out in advance of getting to this stage.
Firstly, assemble the tank tray saddle to make sure all the
components fit as they should. There are four 3mm T-nuts in the
parts bag that need to be inserted in the pre drilled holes on the
saddles top plates. Ensure you fit these T-nuts underneath the
top plates and before you permanently glue the assembly. Tack
the saddle together with some CA and trial fit on the wing tube
socket. It’s a good idea to have the wing tube in place before you
do this.
The tank tray is a milled balsa composite structure, and is
extremely light. Trial fit all the tank tray components together.
Some filing of the slots may be required. When you are satisfied
with the fit, run some CA along the joints and let cure. Trial fit the
tray onto the saddle, and make any adjustments necessary to
ensure a good fit.
Remember do not glue the tray to the
There are two 200mm x 15mm ply strips in the wooden parts bag
that need to be attached to the tank tray to provide some strength
and a hard base for the attachment bolts to screw down on. Glue
the ply strips beside the inner edges of the saddle mounting slots,
running the length of the tank. The mounting bolt holes will need
to be drilled in the ply, this can be done after they are glued in
Fuel Tank and Tray