CompeGPS Team S.L.
When you are
very close to the event, no distance will be indicated
, just the
event, and so you should carry it out right then.
Event: Manoeuvre to be made (or information of interest)
– e.g.: “turn right”.
If it is not preceded by information on the distance, you will need to carry it out any
time now.
The nature of events can vary greatly, but they are normally manoeuvres to be carried
out. Two different kinds of events can be distinguished:
Simple events: Direct indication is given of the action to be taken (
e.g.: “turn
Complex events: First, you are given information on the type of manoeuvre
(roundabout or crossroads), and then the action to be taken (first exit, second on the
“At the roundabout, turn left and then take the highway”.
“Turn right and then you have reached your destination”.
Chained event: It is possible that you need to perform two manoeuvres in a very short
space of time. In this case, TwoNav will add the second event to the first (e.g.: and
then take the highway).
6.2 Off-road navigation
In Off-road mode, the information on streets and roads will not be available for the route to be
calculated automatically and to tell you the next manoeuvres with precision. The automatic
information will be limited to a straight line, which will join your current position with your
Because of this, you will need to pay special attention to the information on the underlying map
you have loaded. This situation is comparable to conventional navigation with a topographical
map, with the advantage that your current position is marked on the map.
The degree of detail of the available information can be enhanced if you prepare the journey in
advance, finding reference points (waypoints, routes and tracks) that will help to guide you.
A well planned route, with the appropriate information and file attachments on each waypoint, can
be equivalent to a route calculated automatically in On-road mode.