CompeGPS Team S.L.
You can select different color combinations according to your preferences.
Next parameters can be configured:
Font size for all labels: Labels of elements like waypoints or POI will have this size.
Font color for new WPTs: Default waypoint property for next waypoints that will be
created. Waypoints which were created previously will keep their color.
Background color for new WPTs
: Same as „font color‟ but for label‟s background
Background transparent for new WPTs: Background can also be transparent.
Data Fields
Data bar and data pages can be configured to fit your specific preferences.
Once inside the editor, take the following steps:
Press on the „Type‟ pull-down menu to choose the section to be set.
2. Select the space you wish to edit (bar, page, compass o graph).
3. You may delete data by pressing on the
left „check‟ mark and add other data by
pressing on them. See a list of these variables and their meaning in
Appendix 1
4. On the compass and graph pages, a squared icon on the side shows the place
corresponding to the enhanced field (normally compass and track graph) that will be
enlarged on the screen.
5. You may modify the order of the data on screen with the arrows on the right of the
window and they will shift the datum up or down one position.
: By default, only fields of frequent use will be shown, alphabetically ordered. If 'infinite'
button is pressed, full list of data fields will be shown.
You can also add or remove pages to de default ones using the + or - symbols at top right of the
data field manager window.