Overview of the Switch
Modular SAN Array Fabric Switch 6 User Guide
Writer: Kim L. Miller File Name: b-ch1 Overview of the Switch.doc
Codename: Millebourne Part Number: 230934-002 Last Saved On: 8/7/02 9:33 AM
The MSA Fabric Switch 6 includes:
A main board enclosing the 12 Gbps switching engine
Microprocessor and other hardware logic to support the switch software agents
MSA Fabric Switch 6 Management Utility
Full Duplex Communications - A pair of nodes can simultaneously send and
receive data for an aggregate of 2 Gbps
Automatic Port Bypass - Improves SAN reliability by automatically
bypassing errant ports
Global Status Indicator (GSI)
RS-232 serial interface port for configuring the MSA Fabric Switch 6
10-base T Ethernet port for communications to host resident management
software applications
Null modem cable
Five external 2/1 Gbps ports, 1 internal 2/1 Gbps port
Auto switch between 1 and 2 Gbps
Array Configuration Utility-XE (ACU-XE) configuration support
Compaq Insight Manager (CIM-XE) launch of the Management Utility