AlphaServer 8200/8400 Operations Manual
7.5.34 Show SEEPROM
The show SEEPROM command allows you to display selected SEEPROM
Example 7-34 Show SEEPROM Command
1. P00>>> show seeprom field kftha0 # Displays field
LARS # = 0949820
# entered Labor Activity
Message = EEPROM update # Number and message.
2. P00>>> show seeprom manu kftha0 # Displays
# manufacturing information.
Module Serial Number = SG226LFH01
Module Unified 2-7-2.4 Part Number = -E2040-AA. M06
Module Device Type = 2000
The show seeprom command syntax is:
sh[ow] see[prom] <option> <device>
where option is diag_sdd, diag_tdd, symptom, field, manufacturing, or serial and
device is kfthan, kftian.