INS_NWKSP2_REV– 07/10/14 PAGE 19
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
GPL (General Public License) Statement
You may have received from ComNet products that contained – in part – free software (software
licensed in a way that ensures your freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve
the software). Such products include NetWave series of products.
As part of these products, ComNet may have distributed to you hardware and/or software that
contained a version of free software programs developed by the Free Software Foundation, a
separate not-for-profit organization without any affiliation to ComNet.
for more details. If ComNet distributed any
portions of these free software programs to you, you were granted a license to that software
under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or GNU Lesser General Public
License “License”, copies of which are available from
The Licenses allow you to freely copy, modify and redistribute that software without any other
statement or documentation from us.
ComNet will provide to anyone who contacts us at the contact provided below, for a charge of
no more than our cost of physically performing source code distribution, a complete machine-
readable copy of the complete corresponding source code for the free software programs used
in the version of the programs that we distribute to you. The cost will be free if the delivery
medium of the machine-readable copy is through the Internet.
Contact information:
Tel: 203-796-5300
Address: 3 Corporate Drive, Danbury, CT 06810 USA
We will reply within 7 working days once the request has been made through email or telephone.