INS_CNFE3TX2CXMS(U,E)_REV– Rev. 7.11.18 PAGE 19
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
WAN Connection Type as PPPoE:
User Name / Password Enter the username & password provided by your ISP.
AC Name
Enter the name of the access concentrator provided by your ISP
Service Name
Enter the service name provided by your ISP
Specify the IP & DNS
provided by ISP
Enter a static IP and DNS address required by other ISPs.
Connection Mode
Auto: connect automatically when the router boots up
Connect on Demand: disconnect the PPP session if the router has had no traffic for
a specified amount of time. Fill a number in the Max Idle Time field.
Manual: connects or disconnects manually via the Connect/Disconnect buttons
at the end of the page
Use Modem/3G/4G as
backup connection
Enable this option if you want to use modem/3G/4G as a backup connection
when main connection is lost. Enter your account username and password in the
corresponding fields.
Type a website address such as www.google.com in Ping Test Site to use it to
check if the connection is alive or lost.