ENTASYS 200 Installation/Operation Manual — Page 26
ENTASYS 200 Series may be painted to match room décor if desired.
Follow the steps below:
1. First, remove the front grille by removing the two screws that fasten the Community logo to the
bottom of the column. Slide the logo out. The grille can then be popped out of the track (refer to
the drawing on the opposite page).
2. If the grille is to be painted, first remove the interior acoustic foam before painting the grille.
*Note: Do not reapply the existing foam back on the loudspeaker grille.
Replacement foam can be purchased from Community (see table below). Foam is supplied in
black only.
3. The shell of the column should be thoroughly scuffed using a Scotch-Brite style pad to ensure
that the primer and paint will adhere to the slick surface.
4. Mask off all components before applying primer. Make sure to include the weather-resistant
cover when prepping and painting the parts. We recommend masking off the bottom label (which
has a weep hole for exterior use).
5. Apply a good grade of plastic primer. Such primers are available from paint stores and from the
paint department of home improvement centers.
6. Paint the unit with any high-quality paint that is compatible with the primer (check with your
paint supplier). For exterior use, choose an exterior-grade paint that is compatible with the
primer and will also resist the local climatic conditions (note that darker colors will absorb much
more UV from sunlight than lighter colors thereby reducing their lifespan). We recommend
painting indoors in a dust-free environment, whenever possible. Always make sure that
ventilation is adequate to avoid inhaling toxic fumes.
7. After applying the paint, the replacement grille foam can be re-attached to the interior of the
grille with a multipurpose high tack spray adhesive such as 3M Industrial Spray Adhesive. Apply
adhesive to grille foam only to prevent clogging of grille perforations.
8. Finally, remove all masking tape and reassemble the grille after the paint has thoroughly dried.
Description Part
ENT203 Grille Foam (black)
ENT206 Grille Foam (black)
ENT212 Grille Foam (black)
ENT220 Grille Foam (black)
*ENTASYS 200 Replacement Grille Foam