5.5.1 Route the fibers from the basket in the base tray to the splice
tray via channel as indicated in above photo.
5.6.1 Bend plastic clip.
5.5.2 Make fusion splice and store fiber overlength and SMOUV(s)
as standard practice.
5.5.3 If the fibers (feeder and drop) come from the same side on
the tray, one of the 2 fibers need to make a cross on the tray (see white
dotted line on the picture).
5.6.2 Place folded plastic clip over gel strip.
Make fusion splice and store overlength in the splice tray
Insert the gel strips
5.6.3 Push gel strip covered with plastic clip through opening
near gel seal cable plug from the back side (loop storage) to the
front side.
5.6.4 Pull gel strip covered with plastic clip at the front side until
plastic clip is completely pushed through.
Back side
Front side