Specialized Business Solutions
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Installation of the IDTech Sign&Pay PIN Pad with Signature Capture
IDTech Sign&Pay PIN Pad with Signature Capture device
Model #IDFA-3153-IM Rev A (live testing done 03/15/13).
Keystroke Software:
Keystroke POS - v7.15 Build 20 or later (03/12/13).
KeyPay Software:
v6.30.65 or later (03/05/13).
Connection to the Computer – USB:HID Setup
With Keystroke POS closed, plug the device into an available USB port
Allow Windows to update drivers (automatic)
Setup the PIN Pad hardware in Keystroke POS (USB:HID)
In Configuration Manager, under Hardware - PIN Pad
Under PIN Pad Type, select IDTech Sign&Pay USB:HID
Under Port, Keystroke will automatically identify the port (i.e. USB:HID=2765-8976)
Select OK to Save
You can test the device by clicking on the Test PIN Pad option
Setup the Signature Capture hardware in Keystroke POS
In Configuration Manager, under Hardware - Signature Capture
Under Sig Cap Type, select IDTech Sign&Pay USB:HID
Under Port, Keystroke will automatically identify the port (i.e. USB:HID=2765-8976)
Select Ok to Save.
You can test the device by clicking on the Test Device
Setup an Authorization Method for Credit Card payments that use the mag-stripe reader
In Configuration Manager, under Tables - Authorization Methods
Select the KPCREDIT Method and verify the Type is set to Credit Card
Leave the 4 top fields and Settings ID blank
Usually turn on Verify Address, Verify Zip, CVV2, and Manually Entered Only
Ok Amount is not used so leave this blank
Capture Signature should be checked (for Credit Cards)
Skip Approved Message is optional. All Declines will always be displayed
Under Card Reader, select PIN Pad-Card Swipe Only (Credit Cards)
Setup an Authorization Method for payments that use the PIN Pad & Mag-Stripe reader
In Configuration Manager, under Tables - Authorization Methods
Select KPDebit, KPEBT, or KPFood auth method and verify Type is set correctly
Leave the 4 top fields and Settings ID blank
Ok Amount is not used so leave this blank
Capture Signature should be OFF (for Debit Cards as it is not required)
Skip Approved Message is optional. All Declines will always be displayed
Under Card Reader, select PIN Pad-DUKPT Encryption (Debit/ATM Cards)
Setup each Payment Type to use the corresponding authorization method
In Configuration Manager, under Tables - Sales Payment Types
Turn ON Start in Reference Field (if OFF, it will always prompt for manual entry)
Turn ON Parse Reference
Under the Auth Method Button, select the authorization method previously setup
Use (KPCREDIT for Credit Cards, KPDEBIT for ATM/Debit, or KPEBT for EBT Cash Benefits).