- The paging tone rings when it is received a paging from a common entrance or guard
station while talking with the individual entrance. Press “Guard and interphone” button to
connect after finishing communication with the individual door unit.
2) Communication with a guard
(1) Receive a call
The paging tone rings when receive a call from guard station.
Press “Call” button to communicate.
When it receive any paging from an individual door camera, the paging tone rings and
press “Monitoring” button to receive a call from the individual door camera after
finishing the communication with a guard station.
Press “Call” button to finish the communication and convert to standby mode.
(2) Make a call
- The following menu appears on the right-lower corner when “Guard and interphone”
button is pressed in standby mode.
- For paging “Porter”, press “Monitoring” button
while the menu is displayed on the screen.
: The call is connected if PORTER receives it.
- For paging “Guard”, press “Guard and
interphone” button while the menu is displayed
on the screen.
: The call is connected if the guard receives it.
- Press “Call” button if you don’t make a call.
3) Monitoring (Individual entrance / Common entrance / CCTV)
- The following menu will be appeared on the right-lower corner when press the “Monitoring”
button in standby mode.
- Press “Monitoring” button to monitor the
individual entrance when OSD menu displays
on screen.
- Press “Guard and interphone” button to monitor
the common entrance when OSD menu
appears on screen.
: Press “Call” button to make a call while
monitoring the individual and common entrance.
Press “Call” button to finish the menu.