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EIB details when using the Gateway
In principle, the EIB gateway CTG-KNX/IP is a normal EIB device, and can therefore be connected at
any location to the EI bus. Unlike simple actuators or sensors it can be responsible for a large amount
(up to 3000) of group addresses – a normal dimmer for example, just reacts to four addresses.
So one must be very careful to ensure that the gateway has a real chance to react to all bus
telegrams of interest. Especially when using line couplers, solid planning is absolutely necessary. The
following points should be seriously considered:
On the one hand all telegrams should
the gateway. If line couplers are inserted between
gateway and controlled components, their filter tables are to be programmed in such a way that all
relevant telegrams are really passed through.
On the other hand the EI bus couplers are slow – upon receipt of a telegram, an EIB device needs
some time until the next telegram can be accepted. Especially scene modules can generate a flood
of telegrams, which are transmitted to all actuators participating in the scene.
Because these are usually
devices, the down time of the bus couplers does not matter –
each coupler has enough time to recreate before the next telegram gets received.
The situation with the gateway is different: normally all participating group addresses of a scene are of
interest – the gateway needs a recovery time and can read all telegrams, even with high bus load.
However, with the activation attention has to be paid, that the activated actuators are given enough