Cisco Systems, Inc.
Release Notes for Cisco RF Gateway 10 in
Cisco IOS Release 12.2SQ
Last Updated: November 5, 2013
The Cisco RF Gateway 10 (RFGW-10) is a Universal Edge Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
(UEQAM) platform in the Cisco RF Gateway series introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(44)SQ. These
release notes for the Cisco RF Gateway 10 describe the features and caveats for all releases in the
Cisco IOS Release 12.2SQ train.
These release notes are updated with each release in the train. This update adds information for
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(50)SQ5. For a list of the caveats that apply to this release, see the
section on page 20
To download and upgrade to the new ROMMON image for the Cisco RFGW-10, see the
Release Notes for Cisco RF Gateway 10
Cisco recommends that you view the field notices for this release to see if your software or hardware
platforms are affected. If you have an account on Cisco.com, you can find field notices at:
For information on new features and the Cisco IOS documentation set supported on
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(50)SQ5, see the
“New and Changed Information” section on page 6
and the
“Related Documentation” section on page 55