Capricorn FLX Weather Station
Columbia Weather Systems, Inc.
To mount the wind monitor, follow the directions below:
1. Insert the Mounting Adapter into the wind monitor
2. Align the North Orientation Ring so that the indexing pin is
inserted into the notch at the instrument base
3. Tighten the hose clamp around the Mounting Adapter
4. Align the two arrows
5. Locate True North (e.g. using smartphone compass app)
6. Rotate the entire assembly so that the front of the wind monitor
is pointing to True North
7. Tighten the set screws using the provided hex key
Once the Wind Monitor has been mounted, route the cables back to the
Control Module.
Using a small straight screw driver, attach the wires from the end of the
Wind Monitor cables to the Wind Speed & Direction terminal blocks on
the Control Module as follows:
Wind Direction:
White Wire
- Terminal #7 Reference Voltage
Green Wire
- Terminal #8
Brown Wire
- Terminal #9
Wind Direction Signal
Wind Speed
(same cable as wind direction):
No Connection
- Terminal #10
Black Wire
- Terminal #11 Ground
Red Wire
- Terminal #12 Wind Speed Signal
Blue Wire
- Terminal #22 (A1) Reference Voltage
Installing the Rain Gauge Sensor
Safety Note: The top rim of the rain gauge sensor is EXTREMELY
sharp. Handle the rim with great care.
The rain gauge is supplied with a standard 50-foot, 22-gauge, 2
conductor shielded cable with a ground drain lead.