Double click on each of the commands except the
and edit as shown below. Remember to set
the type of motor being used to DC:
It is good practice to give
every program a name to
appear in the Start symbol.
Push up the M3 and M4
sliders in order to set both to
forward motion.
NOTE: Depending how you
have connected each motor
polarity you may find that
you need to set the sliders in
the down position or one
slider up and the other down
in order to achieve forward
motion when you download
Run Live
Set the
time to 3 seconds.
This instructs the program to
continue running the last
command for 3 seconds.
Click on the M3 and M4
buttons to turn both motors
off as shown.
The Stop command
stops running the flowchart
program – it will not turn off
the motor if it is already