Unitary Products Group
If desired, every three years remove both pipe plugs at
each end shell and clean out any hardened grease or
foreign matter. Replace one plug on each end with a
clean grease fitting. Using a low pressure grease gun,
pump grease (Chevron SRI-2 or equivalent) into the
bearing cavity until new grease shows at the open port.
Do not over lubricate. Run the motor for ten minutes
until excess grease is purged from the cavity. Replace
the plugs.
15 ton units are supplied with blower shaft bearings
that do not require maintenance but may be lubricated
if desired. Every three years, using a low pressure
grease gun, pump grease into the bearing grease fit-
ting until grease just begins to show at the seals. Do
not over lubricate. Use any lithium base grease recom-
mended for ball bearing service.
Dirt should not be allowed to accumulate on the out-
door coil surface or other parts in the air circuit. Clean-
ing should be as often as necessary to keep coil clean.
Use a brush, vacuum cleaner attachment, or other suit-
able means. If water is used to clean coil, be sure elec-
tric power to the unit is shut off prior to cleaning.
Exercise care when cleaning the coil so that
the coil fins are not damaged.
All forms referenced in this instruction may be ordered
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