The hand of the latchbolt is changed by removing the three screws holding the faceplate and reversing the
Insert the cylinder centrally in the lock case and fix in position with the long bolt through the faceplate. Using the
key it should be possible to double-throw the deadbolt, retract the deadbolt, and retract the latchbolt.
The latchbolt follower is in two parts, with two set screws visible in each part.
Determine which side of the lock will be the outside and remove the set screws from that side. DO NOT remove
the set screws from both sides. The outside handle will now retract the latchbolt but not the deadbolt.
The inside handle will now simultaneously retract the latchbolt and the deadbolt if it is thrown.
This safety feature ensures that it is not possible to accidentally lock someone in a room by throwing the deadbolt
from outside.
Throwing the deadbolt will deny access to code users when appropriate.
All door locks should be installed with a degree of precision to ensure that all components are horizontally and
vertically accurate in relation to each other, and in relation to the door.
Do not install the lock where it will involve cutting into a joint between the door stile and a mid-rail.