cocos-promotions gmbh | talheimer straße 32-d | 74223 flein, germany | phone 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-0 | fax 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-19
www.cocos-promotions.de | www.cocos-promotions.com | www.usb-sticks.de
Plug the USB-cable into the USB-jack on the right temple of the cocos-MP3-sunglasses (see right arrow above).
Plug the USB-cable into the USB-port of a PC (see left arrow above).
Battery power indicator
Power indicator (POWER-light):
lights up ---- full power
flashes every second ---- 1/5 power remains
flashes every 0.5 seconds ---- out of power soon
off ---- out of power, power will be turned off automatically
Recharging the batteries
Recharging is necessary, when the power indicator light (POWER-light) is flashing ever y 0.5 seconds or is off.
1. Connect the cocos-MP3-sunglasses to a PC via USB-cable or the optional AC power adapter for recharging.
2. Recharging-light (CHARGE) lights up during recharge.
3. Recharging-light (CHARGE) light weakly during slow recharge.
4. Recharging-light (CHARGE) is off when recharging ins finished.
Please note:
a) The battery is charged slowly when the recharging process is almost finished and the device can now work again.
b) The output voltage should be 5v+-0.25v, when the output electric current is >500ma while recharging the MP3.
Connection to a PC via USB-cable (see picture above)