cocos-promotions gmbh | talheimer straße 32-d | 74223 flein, germany | phone 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-0 | fax 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-19
www.cocos-promotions.de | www.cocos-promotions.com | www.usb-sticks.de
Playback of MP3-music (in the MP3-mode)
Short press the ON/OFF (
)-button --- Playback; the MP3-light is flashing.
Short press the ON/OFF (
)-button again --- Pause; the MP3-light lights up.
Playback of voice recordings (in the recording playback mode)
Short press the ON/OFF (
)-button --- Playback; the REC-light is flashing.
Short press the ON/OFF (
)-button again --- Pause; the REC-light lights up.
Recording shortcut (in the recording playback Pause-status or in the MP3-playback Pause-status)
Press REC/MODE and hold it for 3 seconds --- recording starts, the REC-light is flashing every 0.5 seconds.
Short press REC/MODE again --- recording stops