cocos-promotions gmbh | talheimer straße 32-d | 74223 flein, germany | phone 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-0 | fax 0049 (0) 7131/649 38-19
www.cocos-promotions.de | www.cocos-promotions.com | www.usb-sticks.de
Volume and music/title or voice recording control (in the music playback or voice recording mode)
Press and hold VOL+ (
) ---- increase volume
Short press VOL+ (
) --- play the next title (music/recording)
Press and hold VOL- (
) ---- decrease volume
Short press VOL- (
) ---- (1) Play previous track (music/recording) if pressing within 5 seconds after playback starts.
(2) Repeat the current track (music/recording) if pressing after the title played for 5 seconds.
VOL+ (
Deleting music/voice recording
Press and hold the RANDOM/DEL-button for 2 seconds --- deletes the current title (music/voice recording)
Connection to a PC
1. Connect the cocos-MP3-sunglasses with a PC via usb-cable (plug the USB-cable into the USB-jack on the right temple of
the sunglasses). The Power/USB-light lights up when connected.
2. A flashing Power/USB-light indicates, that data is transferred. If the Power/USB-light is on, this indicates Standby-status
(idle). If the Power/USB-light is off, this indicates that the sunglasses are disconnected from the PC (suspend).
3. Remove the cocos-MP3-sunglasses from the PC according to the PC’s requirement after the upload or download is