The EMC-16 has the following
internal distinct data storage activities that can be recalled, viewed, and
stored with the Analyst
PC computer interface:
Current Variable Information:
Local Time, CNS toxicity, OTU dose,
OTU Mission Clock, Altitude, Battery voltage, Current unit
Temperature, 16 tissues loading.
Current Configuration Data:
As can be seen in “USER
Historical Totals Summaries:
Dive Time, Number of Dives,
Number of Marginal Dives, Number of Violated Dives, Number of
Warnings, Decompression Dives, Decompression Time, Maximum
Depth and Ceiling, Maximum Depth and Ceiling Dive Number.
Each Dive Beginning Statistics:
16 tissues loading, Local Time
Clock, Dive of Day, Dive Number, Surface Time, CNS Toxicity, OTU
Dose, OTU Mission Clock, Altitude, Time to Fly, Battery Voltage.
Capacity is up to the most recent 1024 dives.
Each Dive Ending Statistics:
16 tissues loading, Bottom Time, Max
Depth, Average Depth, Min NDC Time, Max Deco Time, Max Deco
Ceiling, Missed Ceiling, Missed Deco Time, CNS Toxicity, OTU Dose,
Max PO2, Max Ascent Rate, Max A/R Time, Max A/R Depth, Blend
#2 Switch Depth, Blend #2 Switch Time, Min Temperature, Average
Temperature, Maximum Temperature, Min Battery Voltage, Time to
Fly, number of Warnings. Capacity is the most recent 1024 dives.
Each Dive Configuration Data:
Full and complete configuration of
the system, including Blend #1 Oxygen %, Blend #2 Oxygen %,
Blend #2 Activate Time, Blend #2 Activate Depth, User
Conservatism. Capacity is the most recent 1024 dives.
Profile Graphical Information:
Depth Graph, Ascent Rate Graph,
Temperature Graph, PO
Graph, O
% Graph, CNS Graph, and OTU
Graph. Capacity is 550 hours at one second sampling.
Inter-Dive Events:
Number of Initializations, Unit Activation, Altitude
Changes of 500 Feet, Low Batteries, Sensor Malfunction, Analyst
interface with Dive Computer.
The EMC-16 stores important information
between dives, even when the unit is not turned on. The information is
stored as acquired and is called an “Inter-Dive Event”. These events can
be viewed via the Analyst
P.C. Interface version 4.01 or higher. Some
Inter-Dive events are:
Initialization of the unit.
The unit is turned on
Low batteries
Altitude Changes of over 500 feet
Sensor Malfunction
P.C. Communication
The number of and which of the
configurable options are viewed is determined by the configuration of your
Caution: Items that can be changed via Touch Contact Programming
may be different from their factory settings.
By using the optional Analyst
Personal Computer Interface, the user has
the ability to change the following items:
Dive Time/date Stamp:
This is the internal clock setting that is used by
the system to time-stamp each individual dive as it occurs. Due to
changes in battery voltage and temperature, the internal Time-of-day clock
may slowly drift from the ideal. It is recommended that this clock be
periodically set to your local time via the Analyst
Metric or Imperial:
The diver may select whether the data is computed
and displayed in Metric or Imperial units. The EMC-16 may be ordered
either way as shipped from the factory.
Selectable Ascent Rate Bar Graph (Fixed or Proportional):
This option
determines whether the Ascent Rate bar graph indicates the speed of
ascent or the percentage of the selected maximum ascent rate. The EMC-
16 is shipped from the factory as ‘Proportional’ (percentage).
Selectable Variable-By-Depth Ascent Rate Alarm (On or Off):
option gives the diver the ability to utilize a fixed ascent rate warning or a
warning based on depth. Should the diver prefer the fixed ascent rate
warning the diver can select the maximum ascent rate limit of from 20 to
60 feet per minute (See next topic). As shipped from the factory, this is set
to ON. If the VARIABLE rate is selected then the warning will illuminate
based on the following table:
60 feet and deeper
60 feet per minute
60 to 30 feet
same as depth
Shallower than 30 feet 30 feet per minute
Selectable Fixed Ascent Rate Alarm Limit:
If Variable-By-Depth Ascent
Rate Alarm was set to OFF from the above topic, the user may enter the
desired Ascent Rate for the alarm to sound.
Ascent Rate for Deco Predictions (20 to 60):
This option allows the diver
to select the ascent rate to be used in the forecasting of the displayed Total
Decompression time. The EMC-16 is shipped from the factory with this
option set to 60.
Ascent Rate Responsiveness (0 to 7):
This option determines the
responsiveness or sensitivity of the Ascent Rate Bar Graph. Zero is highly
responsive and seven is very slow. This feature is set to three as shipped
from the factory.
Remaining Time Responsiveness (0 to 7):
This determines the
responsiveness of the Remaining Time information that is displayed. Zero
is highly responsive and seven is very slow. This feature is set to three as
shipped from the factory
Max Depth Alarm:
This option allows the diver to select a maximum
depth below, which the diver does not wish to exceed before an alarm is
sounded. This function is disabled when in the Decompression Mode. This
option may also be set via the Touch Contact Programming. As shipped
from the factory, the Depth Alarm is set for 130 feet.
Select Decompression Time Display (Total, Stop, Both):
There are
three options for the manner in which the decompression time is displayed.
If you select TOTAL, the decompression time displayed will indicate the
total time you will spend in decompression.
Watch the Ceiling depth change in order to identify when to ascend to the
next stop depth. If you select STOP, the decompression time displayed
will indicate the time you must remain at the current Ceiling. When this
time is 0:00, the Ceiling depth will decrease and the new stop time will be
displayed. If you select BOTH, the TOTAL time and STOP time will
alternate at the rate of once every 2 seconds. From the factory, the unit is
set to ‘Both’.
Repetitive Dive Dependent Nitrogen (Off or On):
This option allows the
dive computer to consider recent dive history’s effects on the nitrogen
loading, particularly if the diver engages in inverted profile diving. If “On”
the recent dive history is used to compensate the nitrogen loading for the
current dive. The EMC-16 is shipped from the factory with this feature set
to ‘On’.
Temperature Dependent NDC Computations (Normal or Reduced):
This feature compensates the decompression algorithm proportional to the
ambient water temperature. See User & Environmental Adaptation, Water
Temperature on page 17 for a detailed description of this function. The
EMC-16 is shipped from the factory with this feature set to ‘Normal’.
Select Altitude <2000 feet as One Zone (Off or On):
This option
provides "actual" altitude for any given day at any diving location as
explained in the “ALTITUDE ACCLIMATIZATION” on page 17. With
changes in barometric pressure due to temperature and weather systems,
it is possible, even expected, to have a different apparent altitude at the
same dive site from day to day.
While the seamless means of monitoring provides the most accurate
decompression schedule, all altitudes less than 2,000 feet above sea level
can be treated in the algorithm as sea level if so selected. With this option
OFF, the unit is calculating altitude in a seamless fashion. With this option
ON altitudes less than 2,000 feet above sea level will be treated as sea
level. Regardless of the selection, altitudes greater than 2,000 feet above
sea level will be treated in a seamless manner. From the factory, this is
set to ‘Off’, seamless altitude from sea level to 15,000 feet.
Select Alternate Screen Viewing Time (3 to 10):
This option allows the
diver to set the amount of time that the Alternate Screen will be viewed
once it has been accessed. From the factory this is set to 4.
Select Display Backlight On Time (0 to 99):
This option allows the user
to set the amount of time, in seconds, that the TACLITE™ stays on once
activated. If this option is set to "0" the TACLITE™ will never activate, if
set to "99" the TACLITE™ will stay on all the time and only turn off when
the EMC-16 does. From the factory this is set to 10. This option may also
be set via the Touch Contact Programming method.
Select Audible Beeper Alarm (On or Off):
This allows the user to enable
or disable the Audible Alarms and beeper. As shipped from the factory, this
is set to ‘On’.
Select Ceiling Display Divided by 10 (On or Off):
This option allows the
diver to select when in the Decompression Mode the Ceilings are
displayed as 1 = 10, 2 = 20, 3 = 30 etc. (On) or as 10, 20, 30 etc (Off).
From the factory this option is set to ‘Off’.