BBG1022FS-OM (V1.4)
Table 3-4
Troubleshooting Processing Errors by Symptom
Corrective Action
BBG-1022-FS shows
Unlocked message in
BBG-1022-FS Info pane.
No video input present
Make certain intended video source is connected
to appropriate BBG-1022-FS video input. Make
certain BNC cable connections are OK.
Ancillary data (closed
captioning, timecode) not
transferred through
• Control(s) not enabled
• Make certain respective control is set to On or
Enabled (as appropriate).
• VANC line number conflict
between two or more
ancillary data items
• Make certain each ancillary data item to be
passed is assigned a unique line number (see
BBG-1022-FS Function Menu List and
Descriptions on page 3-9).
Audio not processed or
passed through device
Enable control not turned on
On Output Audio Routing/Controls tab, Audio
Group Enable control for group 1 thru 4 must be
turned on for sources to be embedded into
respective embedded channel groups.
Excessive or nuisance input
signal quality events in log or
Card State status display
Holdoff periods are too brief (or
threshold set too high)
If holdoff periods are too brief (or threshold set too
sensitive), nuisance alarms may be generated
during transitions to and from programs and
interstitials, as well as during certain content.
(QC only) Audio
silence event not detected or
triggered on
Holdoff set too long to detect
The Trigger Holdoff controls on the Audio
Detect Events tab allow ignoring silence events
unless the event duration exceeds the holdoff
setting. Make certain holdoff is set sufficiently low
to detect events as desired.
SD closed captioning
waveform or character
rendering is corrupted
Character burner and/or
moving box insertions running
into line 21
For SD usage, burn-ins can impinge on and
corrupt line 21 closed-captioning waveform if
positioned too close to the upper right of the
raster. Typically, character burn and/or moving
box insertions are not intended for content (such
as OTA) where CC is required. If CC is present
and must be retained, make certain to check CC
content if burn-in insertions are enabled and
reposition burn-ins to avoid line 21 interference.
Selected upgrade firmware will
not upload
Automatic reboot after upgrade
turned off
Device Presets > Automatically Reboot After
Upgrade box unchecked. Either reboot the device
manually, or leave this box checked to allow
automatic reboot to engage an upgrade upon
selecting the upgrade.
Device does not pass video or
audio as expected. Control
settings spontaneously
changed from expected
Event-based preset
inadvertently invoked
Event-based preset loading (Events Setup tab)
should be set to Disabled if this function is not to
be used. Read and understand this control
description before using these controls to make
sure engagement for all expected conditions is
considered. See Event Setup Controls (p. 3-61)
for more information.
Device will not retain user
settings, or setting changes or
presets spontaneously invoke.
Event Based Loading sub-tab
inadvertently set to trigger on
If event based loading is not to be used, make
certain event-based loading on Events Setup tab
is disabled (either using master Enable/Disable
control or through events settings. See Event
Setup Controls (p. 3-61) for more information.