Make sure to Click
to save all changes.
NOTE: 64 bit WEP is the same as 40 bit WEP!
The lower level of WEP encryption uses a 40 bit (10 character) “secret key” (set by the user),
and a 24 bit “Initialization Vector” (not under user control). The panel allows the entry of four
keys for 64-bit encryption and one set for 128-bit key
encryption. Each key must consist of hex
digits, which means that only digits 0-9 and letters A-F are valid entries. The SNMP Utility will not
apply keys that are not entered correctly.
At this stage the configuration of the Access Point is complete and AP can be
used for regular functions. The following section will go through some advanced features on
the AP. It is recommended that novice users consult with networking experts before changing
these settings.