If an additional measure of security is desired on the wireless network, WEP (Wired Equivalent
Privacy) encryption can be enabled. WEP encrypts each frame transmitted from the wireless
adapter using one of the keys entered in the WEP Privacy field. The Access Point or wireless
adapter will accept only encrypted frames that it can decrypt correctly. Decrypting can take place
only if the receiver has the correct key used by the transmitter.
Click “Encryption (WEP)” and the following menu will pop up:
Create with Passhrass:
Alternatively, a "Passhrass" can be entered which is used as a
"seed” to randomly generate the four keys. If User type a ASCII
code as Passhrass to generate the WEP encryption for User AP,
then other wireless devices connect to User WLAN device should
use the same ASCII to generate the WEP key.
Default Key ID
: Default Key ID determines which Key (Key 1 to Key
4) encrypts
shared key There are four 10 Hex digit encryption keys available if User select
64bit Encryption (WEP)