Network Camera_ User manual
Buttons and Indicators of Web Viewer.
On/Off control of bidirectional audio communication. Bidirectional
audio communication is enabled when highlighted.
If the microphone is not connected to PC to set up the bidirectional
audio, an error message is indicated and the temporarily stopped
image my occur.
If the video is stopped, should “refresh” the webpage or
re-connection” to play the video.
Capture a still video cut. Captured video is stored in the folder
designated in [2.3. Basic Setup]
Rotate the video by 180o.
Start Crop Video. Crop video is always transmitted through channel 3.
Set the coordinate of the top left corner of the crop video.
Set the size and frame rate (frames/sec) of the crop video.
Minimum and maximum size is 172x112 and 352x240.
Click to start transmission of crop video on channel 3.
Click on the button to connect to the channel. If crop video is
enabled, it is available through channel 3.
Disconnect the video.
Contrast and brightness adjustment. The adjustment value is stored
on the PC.
Volume control and audio mute control.
Adjust the size of the video.
Shows the status of the sensor. Highlighted color indicates that the
sensor is activated.
On/Off control of the relay. Highlighted color indicates that the relay
is “On”.