Second Level Menu Transfers:
Up to seven Second Level Menus can be programmed in CallExtend, to allow callers
to dial a single digit from the Main Greeting and get:
1) an additional menu of single digit dialing choices, or
2) an information message, such as directions to the company or company hours
A second level menu is programmed on the PAGE of CallExtend memory that
corresponds to the single digit the caller dials from the Main Greeting
PAGE 3 if “3” is dialed from the Main Greeting). Instead of programming a
ROW 0 of the PAGE, enter a value from the following chart to fit your application:
Allows you to enter up to six extensions on this PAGE, with each
xtension up to 8 digits long.
Callers will dial a single digit 1-6
from the second menu to reach the desired extension.
Allows you to enter up to three extensions on this PAGE, with
extension up to 16 digits long.
Callers will dial 1, 3, or 5
from the second menu to reach the desired extension
Allows you to have an
information voice message
rather than a
second menu of dialing options. Callers will hear this second
voice message and then be
With a 9 or 0 programmed in ROW 0 of this PAGE, callers will first dial the
appropriate single digit from the Main Greeting and then hear a second voice
message prompting them to dial another single digit, 1-6. The extensions to be
reached by this second level of dialing are entered next:
If 9 is programmed in ROW 0: you will program ROWS 1-6 of this PAGE with the
extensions callers will reach by dialing the second single digit 1-6.
The digit dialed
is the ROW number (e.g., the extension programmed in ROW 2 of the PAGE is
reached by callers dialing “2”).
Each extension can be up to 8 digits long.
If 0 is programmed in ROW 0: enter the first 8 digits of each extension in the ROW
that corresponds to the digit callers will dial (1, 3, or 5), and enter the remainder of
the extension in the next ROW (e.g., if callers will dial “3,” enter the first 8 digits of
the extension in ROW 3 and the rest of the extension in ROW 4).
Recording the Second Level Voice Message is explained in the “Recording Voice
Messages” section that follows (under the “Recording a PAGE Message”
instructions). The following example shows how to program CallExtend for a
second level menu:
In their main greeting, the ABC Company asks callers to dial 4
for Technical Support; callers dialing “4” will hear a second menu allowing
them to choose which of two products they want support on, so they can be
directed to the appropriate technician. Callers will be prompted to dial 1 for
Product A and 2 for Product B. Extension 101 will handle calls for Product
A, and extension 105 will handle calls for Product B. To program this, you
would program PAGE 4 by dialing the following on the ADMIN phone:
Page 4, Row 0 -
0 5 9
0 7
Verify the display shows
This enters a 9 into PAGE 4, ROW 0, as described in the previous chart.
Next, the extensions are entered into PAGE 4, ROWS 1 and 2:
Page 4, Row 1 -
1 5 1 0 1 #
1 7
Verify the display shows
1 0 1
Page 4, Row 2 -
2 5 1 0 5 #
2 7
Verify the display shows
1 0 5