Revision date: 09.25.15
Rafter cable assemblies run from the crown to the lower rafter
mount at the ground post
on each rafter
Each cable assembly
includes the following items:
• Two (2) lengths of cable: 8' and 30'
• Turnbuckle (1)
• Cable thimbles (2) and cable clamps (8)
Cable Assembly Procedure
1. Measure and cut the 8' and 30' lengths of cable for each assembly. Make a single assembly
making them
all. This allows a check to be sure the correct lengths have been cut. Make the necessary length adjustments as
needed before making additional assemblies.
Always measure before cutting the cable.
2. Place one cable thimble over the eye of the turnbuckle and wrap the 30' cable around the thimble approximately
twelve inches (12") from the end of a cable section as shown above.
It may be necessary to slightly bend cable thimble to fit it around the turnbuckle eye. Bend back to position
after placement.
3. Grasp both sections of the cable near the thimble and position one cable clamp one inch away from the thimble as
shown above.
Position the clamp on the cable with its U-bolt portion over the short/dead section of the cable
4. With the saddle portion of the cable clamp in position on the "live" section of cable, thread the nuts onto the U-bolt
section of the clamp and tighten slightly to maintain the position of the clamp on the cable.
5. Install a second cable clamp on the cable six to eight (6"-8") inches from the first clamp and tighten both clamps.
6. Repeat Steps 2-5 for the 8' length of cable on the remaining eye bolt of the turnbuckle for this assembly.
7. Open the turnbuckle to its longest position and set the assembly and four (4) cable clamps aside.
8. After confirming that the cable assembly is the correct length, repeat the above procedure for all remaining cable
Always measure length on the frame before cutting the cables.
9. Attach the cables to the assembled frame. See the diagrams on the next page.
Cable Clamps
Turnbuckle Eye
Turnbuckle Eye
Cable Clamps
Typical Turnbuckle Assembly
Dead End