2. Push the release button (18) to remove the main unit up
and take the main unit (9) off of the main unit frame (8).
3. Pull the cleaning head adapter out of the nozzle bracket
on the main unit (9).
4. Fold the cleaning head adapter to the side so that it is out
of the way.
5. The long steam nozzle (24), the short steam nozzle and
the cushion cleaning adapter/adapter for window cleaning
adapter (30) can be attached directly to the main unit (9) or
with the extension hose pre-attached (23) to the main unit.
6. Select one of the adapters referred to under point four and
push it into the bracket on the main unit and turn it a quar-
ter of a turn to lock the respective adapter (as depicted in
gure with the example of the small steam nozzle). To
take the adapter back off, turn it one quarter turn in the
opposite direction and pull it off of the main unit.