How to clean the White Dust & Anti-Microbial Filter
Remove the filter from the water tank.
Put some white vinegar into a glass. Soak the filter in the vinegar for about 10 minutes.
Remove the filter from the glass and shake it several times.
Clean and rinse the filter once again with fresh water.
If you don’t plan to use the humidifier for a long time, remove the filter from the water tank and let
it dry thoroughly. Then wrap it in protective packaging and keep it next to the humidifier in a cool,
dry and dark storage space.
Why humidify the Air?
When the air is dry, especially in the winter months, it can become unpleasant and even unhealthy,
leading to increased levels of static electricity, dry skin, cracked lips and even noise bleeds.
Optimal humidity is between 45 to 55% relative humidity. During the winter months though,
relative humidity in the average home can drop to below 20%. Low humidity can lead to a variety
of conditions that cause ill health. Dust particles, bacteria, viruses, dust mite feces that are
normally trapped by the moist nasal membrane lining in the nose can more easily get into the
lungs when the air is dryer and thus reduce the body’s natural defence mechanism. These invaders
overload the immune system and irritate the mucous membranes resulting in more coughing and
susceptibility to disease. The
Clean Air Optima CA-601
is an ideal ultrasonic humidifier for
homes, apartments, offices and anywhere where is low humidity. Ultrasonic water vapour is highly
beneficial to individuals. Their biggest advantage is high performance combined with low energy
Do not use additives
Water additives (e.g. essential oils, fragrances, water conditioners etc.) must NOT be used! Even a small
amount can cause damage to the tank material. The material is not suitable for the use of such
additives. One drop is enough to damage the tank and render the appliance unusable. Appliances that
are damaged by such additives will not be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.