pulley bolt.
3. Remove the crankshaft pulley using VS1210/01 Remover.
4. Support the engine and remove the right-hand mounting/bracket, remove the
timing covers.
5. Turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation into its timed position, and
lock by inserting the appropriate Flywheel Timing Pin into the fl ywheel datum hole.
The special shape of VS125/C6 and VS125/C8 allows their use around
components such as the starter motor etc which means such components are not
normally required to be removed. The VS1210/P9 Flywheel Locking Pin is used for
dual mass fl ywheel applications, it is held in place by attaching its retaining spring
to a suitable nearby fi xing point.
6. All of the 2.0HDi and 2.2HDi engines have an adjustable camshaft sprocket,
and uses the VS125/P4 Camshaft Locking Pin. The sprocket is fi xed with 3 securing
bolts through slotted holes in the sprocket. The VS125/P4 Camshaft Locking Pin
locates through a timing hole in the sprocket and its carrier, and into a datum hole in
the cylinder head to retain the camshaft in its timing position fi g.5.
7. Once the Locking Pin is inserted, the 3 securing bolts should be slackened to
fi nger-tight, this should be suffi ciently tight to offer a slight resistance to the sprocket
turning, and this should be carried out prior to the old camshaft drive belt being
Engines equipped with an adjustable crankshaft gear.
1. With the fl ywheel and camshaft locking pins inserted and the engine is locked in
its correct timed position, the timing belt tensioner can be released and the old belt removed.
2. T he VS4820/P18 and VS4821 Crankshaft Gear Positioning Tools are used to correctly position the crankshaft
pulley during the tensioning process.
3. T he VS4820/P18 Crankshaft Gear Positioning Tool is inserted at the left side of the crankshaft key, as viewed,
fi g.6 prior to the new belt being fi tted.
4. After the timing belt has been fi tted, remove the VS4820/P18. The belt can now be tensioned to the correct
specifi cation.
5. On engines variants that require the use of VS4821 Crankshaft Positioning Tool, the crankshaft gear is centralised
on the crankshaft key by inserting the VS4821 into position on both sides of the key.
6. After the timing belt is fi tted, remove the VS4821. The belt can now be tensioned to the correct specifi cation.
OM 4102