2 Network Settings and Operation
Simple Setting Procedure Example for Wireless LAN
If you do not know much about network settings, configure the settings in reference to the
corresponding procedure below.
However, the instructions in the procedure may not necessarily be appropriate for your network
■ When setting that is supposed to assign the IP address from DHCP
Connect the USB Wi-Fi adapter to the interface board.
2) Connect the Ethernet cable to the interface board. The LAN cable must be connected to, for
example, an enabled network environment in which a DHCP server exists. (Ethernet has priority
over wireless LAN.)
After the printer is turned on and the interface board will automatically obtain an IP address from
the DHCP server within 90 seconds.
You can confirm that the IP address is assigned correctly by pressing the panel button to print out the
configuration of the interface board. See 3-3, Printing the Interface Board Configuration (page
17) for details.
4) Once the conditions enabling access to the printer are met, configure the wireless LAN settings
in Web Manager.
Connect to Web Manager of the printer from the browser of a PC connected to the same network.
See “4 Web Manager” (page 23) for details.
You can use the NetToolK network configuration tool for Windows instead of Web Manager.
See “5 NetToolK” (page 38) for details.
5) Once the required settings are finished, disconnect the LAN cable.
If LAN Setting on the CONFIG >> GENERAL tab in Web Manager is the initial value of Enable,
communication will switch to wireless LAN when the LAN cable is disconnected. When the LEDs
indicate the status of operating with a Wireless LAN, press the panel button to print the setting
information and then confirm that the settings are as you configured them.
■ When using a static IP address in an environment without DHCP
The procedure differs for the part of step 3) above. As an IP address cannot be obtained
automatically, the ZeroConf function assigns the IP address 169.254.XX.YY (XX.YY will differ
depending on the setup environment). Press the panel button to print the setting information and
then confirm the assigned IP address.
Take measures such as adjusting the IP addresses of the hosts to enable connecting to the IP
address of the printer.
The subsequent procedure is the same as step 4) and after above.