D14635.13 Profile C90 and Codec C90 Administrator Guide TC7.0, DECEMBER 2013.
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Cisco TelePresence System Codec C90 and Profile 65” Dual using C90
Administrator Guide
Video Output HDMI [1,3] RGBQuantizationRange
All devices with HDMI outputs should follow the rules for RGB video quantization range defined
in CEA-861. Unfortunately some devices do not follow the standard and this configuration may
be used to override the settings to get a perfect image with any display. The default value is set
to Full because most HDMI displays expects full quantization range.
Requires user role:
Value space:
RGB quantization range is automatically selected based on the RGB Quantization
Range bits (Q0, Q1) in the AVI infoframe. If no AVI infoframe is available, RGB quantization
range is selected based on video format according to CEA-861-E.
Full quantization range. The R, G, B quantization range includes all code values (0 -
255). This is defined in CEA-861-E.
Limited Quantization Range. R, G, B quantization range that excludes some code
values at the extremes (16 - 235). This is defined in CEA-861-E.
Video Output HDMI 1 RGBQuantizationRange: Full
Video Output HDMI [1,3] CEC Mode
The HDMI outputs support Consumer Electronics Control (CEC). When set to on (default is
off), and the monitor connected to the HDMI output is CEC compatible and CEC is configured,
the system will use CEC to set the monitor in standby when the system enters standby.
Likewise the system will wake up the monitor when the system wakes up from standby. Please
note that the different manufacturers uses different marketing names for CEC, for example
(Samsung); Aquos Link (Sharp); BRAVIA Sync (Sony); HDMI-CEC (Hitachi); Kuro Link
(Pioneer); CE-Link and Regza Link (Toshiba); RIHD (Onkyo); HDAVI Control, EZ-Sync, VIERA Link
(Panasonic); EasyLink (Philips); and NetCommand for HDMI (Mitsubishi).
Requires user role:
Value space:
Disable CEC control.
Enable CEC control.
Video Output HDMI 1 CEC Mode: Off
Video Output HDMI [1,3] MonitorRole
The HDMI monitor role describes which video stream will be shown on the monitor connected
to the video output HDMI connector.
Requires user role:
Value space:
The system will detect when a monitor is connected and assign a monitor role to it.
The first monitor connected will be assigned monitor role First. In a multi-monitor setup the
next monitors will be assigned monitor role Second, Third, and Fourth.
Define the role of the monitor in a multi-monitor setup. In a
single-monitor setup, there is no difference between First, Second, Third and Fourth.
Show presentation video stream if active, and nothing else.
Show all participants, including the local main video. If active, also show the
Video Output HDMI 1 MonitorRole: Auto
Video Output HDMI [1,3] OverscanLevel
Some TVs or other monitors may not display the whole image sent out on the systems video
output, but cuts the outer parts of the image. In this case this setting can be used to let the
system not use the outer parts of video resolution. Both the video and the on-screen menu will
be scaled in this case.
Requires user role:
Value space:
The system will use all of the output resolution.
The system will not use the outer 3% of the output resolution.
The system will not use the outer 6% of the output resolution.
Video Output HDMI 1 OverscanLevel: None
Web interface
System settings
Setting passwords
System settings