Verification of the installation
Cisco TMS Extension for IBM Lotus Notes
– Installation and getting started guide
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Check whether the user selected proper rooms.
Check the Domino mail system to verify that email is being delivered.
Step 4
Requests show up in the
Waiting for Approval
but stay there indefinitely.
Check the Domino Server Log of the Integration Server for signs that the Cisco TMS Trigger
Agent has run.
If you see logging activity from the Cisco TMS Trigger Agent, look for possible failure reasons in
the Domino Server log.
If you do not see logging activity from the Cisco TMS Trigger Agent, verify the installation steps
around enabling the Cisco TMS Trigger Agent.
Step 5
Requests are rejected with 401 error messages.
Verify that Cisco TMS Service Account login information is saved in the Cisco TMS Admin
Document of the Reservation Database.
Verify login information of the Cisco TMS Service Account by manually trying to log into Cisco
’s web page using the same account information.
Verify the installation steps to change the security settings of the Cisco TMS Booking page.
Step 6
Cisco TMS rejects the meeting request.
Verify the rejection by trying to book the same meeting in Cisco TMS directly. If the meeting is
rejected, Lotus can be excluded as the problem and, either the conference settings are
incompatible with the systems, or the problem is permissions related.
For conference settings, make sure that all systems are available, have compatible dialing
information, and can support the conference type being requested.
For permissions-related issues, make sure that each system has their Scheduling permissions
enabled (under
Navigator > Settings
The meeting is possible when it is booked from Cisco TMS directly, but gets rejected when
booked through IBM Lotus Domino.
Look at the error message returned from Cisco TMS in the rejection.
A possible error is that the Cisco TMS Service Account does not have permission to book the
Step 7 and 8
The meeting is accepted in Lotus, but does not show up in Cisco TMS.
Make sure that you are not filtering out the meeting when using the
List Conferences
Check the date range and user filters.
Testing meetings from Cisco TMS to Lotus
To verify that meetings from Cisco TMS are being saved in Lotus, create a test meeting in Cisco TMS
for a date in the future using two systems that are integrated with Lotus. For a successful replication
check that after 5 minutes, the meeting shows up in the Reservation Database under
Reservations >
By Date
Reservations > By Resource