Route Switch Processor (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide
Enabling High Availability Features
Step 2
Router# copy tftp slotslot-number:
Address or name of remote host []?
Name of file to copy []?
writing filename!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Destination filename? [
imagename1] <Return>
Accessing tftp://
host ip-address/file 'imagename' on
ip-address.. found !
11188128 bytes copied in 2280.664 secs (4906
Uses TFTP to copy a high availability Cisco IOS
image onto the Flash memory card or Flash Disk of
the standby RSP.
slaveslotslot-number—Specifies the Flash
memory card or Flash Disk of the standby RSP.
Step 1 and Step 2 are the same. Step 1 applies
to the active RSP, and Step 2 applies to the
the standby RSP.
The router prompts you for the IP address of the
TFTP server.
ip-address—Specifies the IP address of the
TFTP server that contains the new image
The router prompts you for the name of the image file
you are copying to the Flash memory card or Flash
imagename—Indicates the name of the image to
be loaded onto the Flash memory card or Flash
The router prompts you to type the name under which
you want the file to appear at the destination.
imagename1—Indicates the name of the image
as it appears at the destination.
Step 3
Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 4
Router(config)# hw-module slot slot-number image
Specifies the image to be used by the active RSP at
initialization. If a high-availability image is found,
the running configuration is updated.
slot-number—Specifies the active RSP slot
where the Flash memory card or Flash Disk is
located. Valid numbers are slot 2 or slot 3 for a
Cisco 7507 router or slot 6 or slot 7 for a Cisco
7513 router.
file-spec—Indicates the Flash device and the
name of the image on the active RSP.
Step 5
Router(config)# hw-module slot slot-number image
Specifies the image to be used by the standby RSP at
initialization. If a high-availability image is found,
the running configuration is updated.
slot-number—Specifies the standby RSP slot
where the Flash memory card or Flash Disk is
located. Valid numbers are slot 2 or slot 3 for a
Cisco 7507 router or slot 6 or slot 7 for a Cisco
7513 router.
file-spec—Indicates the Flash device and the
name of the image of the standby RSP.