Route Switch Processor (RSP8) Installation and Configuration Guide
Enabling High Availability Features
To configure RPR and RPR+, use the following commands beginning in privileged EXEC configuration
Step 1
Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 2
Router(config)# hw-module slot slot-number image file-spec
Specifies the image to be used by the active RSP at
initialization. If a high-availability image is found,
the running configuration is updated.
slot-number—Specifies the active RSP slot
where the Flash memory card or Flash Disk is
located. Valid numbers are slot 2 or slot 3 for a
Cisco 7507 router or slot 6 or slot 7 for a Cisco
7513 router.
file-spec—Indicates the flash device and the
name of the image on the active RSP.
Step 2 and Step 3 are the same; Step 2
applies to the active RSP and Step 3 applies
to the standby RSP.
Step 3
Router(config)# hw-module slot slot-number image file-spec
Specifies the image to be used by the standby RSP
at initialization. If a high-availability image is
found, the running configuration is updated.
slot-number—Specifies the standby RSP slot
where the Flash memory card or Flash Disk is
located. Valid numbers are slot 2 or slot 3 for a
Cisco 7507 router or slot 6 or slot 7 for a Cisco
7513 router.
file-spec—Indicates the Flash device and the
name of the image on the standby RSP.
Step 2 and Step 3 are the same; Step 2
applies to the active RSP and Step 3 applies
to the standby RSP.
Step 4
Router(config)# redundancy
Enters redundancy configuration mode.
Step 5
Router(config-red)# mode rpr (Or mode rpr-plus)
Sets the redundancy mode to RPR (or RPR+) on
both the active and standby RSPs. HSA is the
default redundancy mode.
Step 6
Router(config-red)# exit
Exits redundancy configuration mode and returns
you to global configuration mode.
Step 7
Router(config)# end
Exits global configuration mode and returns you to
privileged EXEC configuration mode.
Step 8
Router# hw-module sec-cpu reset
Resets and reloads the standby RSP with the
specified Cisco IOS image and executes the image.
If you do not specify a Cisco IOS image in
Step 2, this command loads and executes
the bundled default IOS standby image.
The system then operates in HSA mode.