Cisco PIX Security Appliance Hardware Installation Guide
About This Guide
Document Organization
Document Organization
This guide includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Preparing for Installation,”
describes the installation overview, safety
recommendations, and general site requirements.
provides a product overview, installation instructions, and lithium battery
replacement instructions.
provides a product overview, installation instructions, and lithium
battery replacement instructions.
provides a product overview, installation instructions, as well as the
procedure to remove and replace the chassis cover. This chapter also includes installation procedures
for the circuit board and installation of the DC model.
provides a product overview, installation instructions, as well as the
procedure to remove and replace the chassis cover. This chapter also includes the procedure for
installation of the DC model.
provides a product overview, installation instructions, as well as the
procedure to remove and replace the chassis cover. This chapter also includes installation procedures
for the circuit board and installation of the DC model.
provides a product overview, installation instructions, as well as the
installation procedure for the circuit board and installation of the DC model.
provides cable pinouts.
Document Conventions
Command descriptions use these conventions:
Braces ({ }) indicate a required choice.
Square brackets ([ ]) indicate optional elements.
Vertical bars (|) separate alternative, mutually exclusive elements.
indicates commands and keywords that are entered literally as shown.
indicate arguments for which you supply values.
Examples use these conventions:
Examples depict screen displays and the command line in
Information you need to enter in examples is shown in
Variables for which you must supply a value are shown in
italic screen