Configuring the Cisco NM-1A-T3/E3 Network Module
Feature Information for the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module
Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 6: 0x10C00000
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 7: 0x86850000
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 8: 0x00010040
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 9: 0x00000000
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: Command Indication:
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 0: 0x00010000
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 1: 0x00011110
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 2: 0x02000000
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: word 3: 0x0001003D
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: ACK received = 200 usecs
*Jun 27 22:15:09.284: ATM2/0: Setup_Cos: vc:4 wred_name:- max_q:0
Feature Information for the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module
Table 6
lists the release history for this feature.
Not all commands may be available in your Cisco IOS software release. For release information about a
specific command, see the command reference documentation.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support.
Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which Cisco IOS and Catalyst OS software images
support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to
. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 6
lists only the Cisco IOS software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given
Cisco IOS software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that Cisco IOS
software release train also support that feature.
Table 6
Feature Information for the Cisco ATM T3/E3 Network Module
Feature Name
Feature Information
NM-1A-T3/E3 Network Module
The NM-1A-T3/E3 network module provides ATM services
on a T3 or E3 connection.
This feature is supported on Cisco 2800 and Cisco 3800
series routers.
The following command was introduced by this feature:
debug atm t3e3