Configuring the Cisco NM-1A-T3/E3 Network Module
debug atm t3e3
Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T
*Jun 27 15:14:13.456: word 2: 0x18001060
*Jun 27 15:14:13.456: word 3: 0x00090022
Table 4
describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Examples for the debug atm t3e3 pa command
The following examples illustrate the output from the
debug atm t3e3 pa
The first example gives the output when the network module is removed:
debug atm t3e3 pa
PA debugging is on
*Jun 27 22:40:56.110: %OIR-6-REMCARD: Card removed from slot 2, interfaces disabled
*Jun 27 22:40:56.122: *** Freed 6146 buffers
The second example gives the output when the network module is inserted, and gives the values of
internal registers of the module:
*Jun 27 22:41:08.654: %OIR-6-INSCARD: Card inserted in slot 2, interfaces administratively
shut down
*Jun 27 22:41:11.402: sar_base_addr 0x5C800000
*Jun 27 22:41:11.402: PCI_MEMBAR2_REG after configuring:0x5E000008
*Jun 27 22:41:11.402: PCI_MEMBAR3_REG after configuring:0x5F000000
*Jun 27 22:41:11.402: PCI_COMMAND_REG: Offset= 0x4; value= 0x2A00006
*Jun 27 22:41:11.402: FPGA Base address is 0x5C900000
*Jun 27 22:41:11.402: FPGA PCI config Reg is 0x02200002
Examples for the debug atm t3e3 sar command
The following examples illustrate the output from the
debug atm t3e3 sar
The first example displays command indications for setting up a VC and opening the reassembly channel
and the segmentation channel in the SAR:
debug atm t3e3 sar
SAR debugging is on
configure terminal
interface atm 2/0
pvc 2/2
Table 4
debug atm t3e3 flow Field Descriptions
Field Description
Jun 27 15:14:13.456:
Date or time stamp of flow indication
word [0 - 3]: 0xXXXXXXXX
Hexadecimal representation of four-word indication sent by
the SAR to the host that a high watermark or low watermark
event has occurred.
word 3: 0x00XXYYYY
When XX is 08, a high watermark has been received by the
host. The host will stop queueing packets for the VC.
When XX is 09, a low watermark has been received by the
host. The host will resume sending packets to the VC.
YYYY is the running count of flow indication events sent to
the host.