Configuring the Cisco NM-1A-T3/E3 Network Module
Recommendations for Watermark Settings
Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)T
Traffic Pattern
The following pageant configuration was used in bi-directional way for continuous burst on traffic
packet length - 300 bytes and 1400 bytes:
For 300 bytes data traffic from pageant, the following rates were used:
350 for 1 Mbps; 700 for 2 Mbps; 1750 for 5 Mbps; and 3500 for 10 Mbps
For 1400 bytes data traffic from pageant, the following rates were used:
150 for 1 Mbps; 300 for 2 Mbps; 750 for 5 Mbps; and 1500 for 10 Mbps
IXIA was used for pumping UDP bi-directional unicast streams for simulating racing condition.
Average latency is calculated based on two to three minutes of traffic from IXIA; Latency might
differ based on the drop rate of data traffic.
1500 bytes (data) was not used due to ATM cell conversion overhead.
64B frame size IXIA traffic streams includes CRC.