Cisco HWIC-4ESW and HWIC-D-9ESW EtherSwitch Interface Cards
How to Configure EtherSwitch HWICs
Book Title
Voice Traffic and VVID
The HWICs can automatically configure voice VLAN. This capability overcomes the management
complexity of overlaying a voice topology onto a data network while maintaining the quality of voice
traffic. With the automatically configured voice VLAN feature, network administrators can segment
phones into separate logical networks, even though the data and voice infrastructure is physically the
same. The voice VLAN feature places the phones into their own VLANs without the need for end-user
intervention. A user can plug the phone into the switch, and the switch provides the phone with the
necessary VLAN information.
Configuring a Single Subnet for Voice and Data
For network designs with incremental IP telephony deployment, network managers can configure the
HWICs so that the voice and data traffic coexist on the same subnet. This might be necessary when it is
impractical either to allocate an additional IP subnet for IP phones or to divide the existing IP address
space into an additional subnet at the remote branch, it might be necessary to use a single IP address
space for branch offices. (This is one of the simpler ways to deploy IP telephony.)
This configuration approach must address two key considerations:
Network managers should ensure that existing subnets have enough available IP addresses for the
new Cisco IP phones, each of which requires a unique IP address.
Administering a network with a mix of IP phones and workstations on the same subnet might pose
a challenge.
Step 1
Router> enable
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
Router# configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3
interface interface-id
Router(config)# interface 0/2/1
Enters the interface configuration mode and the port to be
configured (for example, interface fa0/3/1).
Step 4
switchport mode trunk
Router(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Configures the port to trunk mode.
Step 5
switchport voice vlan
Router(config-if)# switchport voice vlan
Configures the voice port with a VVID that will be used
exclusively for voice traffic.