The FM Racer Radio Configuration interface and command-
line interface (CLI) contain device configuration parameters
that are not available in the on-board Configurator interface.
Note that some configuration features may not be applicable to
your specific Fluidmesh device.
Configuration parameters and control tabs that are exclusive to
FM Racer and the CLI include:
Project name
(The device has been assigned to the
Project listed in this field.)
(Shows the current physical location of the
Invoice No.
(Shows the Fluidmesh sales invoice
number for the unit.)
Shared With
(If responsibility for the unit is shared with
other users, the details of the responsible users are
shown in this field.)
Enable RTS Protection
(FM3500 Endo and FM4500-
series transceivers only - shows the unit’s current IEEE
802.11 request-to-send (RTS) setting.)
('Promiscuous' Mode: Shows the unit’s current
setting for backwards compatibility with legacy
Fluidmesh units that are no longer in production.)
Noise floor Calibration
(Shows the unit’s current noise
floorcalibration setting.)
MAX Transmission MCS
(Used to choose the
modulation and coding scheme by which the unit
automatically chooses its maximum data transmission
TX Power
(Controls the effective isotropic radiated
power output of the unit.)
Automatic link distance
(Lets the system choose the
maximum effective distance between the relevant
wireless links.)
Ethernet speed
(Selects the correct data exchange
speed for each Ethernet port.)
tab (Allows you to set up a second,
segregated Wi-Fi interface that allows technicians
access to the unit for configuration and maintenance
tab (Allows you to adjust the
load-balancing, handoff and network optimization
characteristics of a transceiver unit.)
tab (Allows you to greatly reduce
sudden degradations in bandwidth that happen when a
mobile unit approaches, then leaves behind, a static
Device configuration using the configurator interface
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