Cisco TMSXE Administrator Guide
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to process new changes each time. Clicking Restart Synchronizer will reset the Integration’s start
point in that transaction history and begin processing all scheduling changes in Cisco TMS from the
Restarting the Synchronizer is not needed in normal operation and is only for specific, advanced
situations. Restarting the Synchronizer will not affect any meeting data, but is a very intensive process
that can take many hours to complete.
Configuration Tab
This tab allows you to review and update the communications and configuration elements of the Cisco
TMSXE Integration that were initially defined during installation. Changes made here will affect the
Cisco TMSXE Integration product immediately.
Password for Service User
The account used as the Exchange side Service user is listed (Default: <domain>\TMS-Service). If
you wish to update the password of the Service Account, you must do it via this page. The
Configuration Utility will update the Integration’s references to the account’s credentials and the
password in Active Directory. Changing the service account’s password outside the utility will cause
the Integration to fail. If this occurs, update the account’s password again here using the
Configuration Utility to restore service.
To update the password, enter the password in the fields provided and click Apply.
Rebuild Cisco TMS Server Connection
These fields display the information Cisco TMSXE uses to communicate with the Cisco TMS server.
These fields are used to update the connection in case any of the values change, such as the service
user’s password being updated or the Cisco TMS server address changing. To update any of these