Cisco TMSXE Administrator Guide
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Left Column
The left column displays all systems read from the configured Cisco TMS server that the Cisco TMS
Service Account has access to. Endpoints, Rooms, and Recording Devices are listed – other system
types are not available for Integration with Exchange but may be included automatically in meetings
by Cisco TMS as required.
TMS ID —Displays the System ID from Cisco TMS
Display Name – Displays the system’s name as displayed in Cisco TMS.
A progress bar and summary is shown at the bottom of the list.
Right Column
The right column displays all accounts found that the utility has detected as integrated with, or staged
to be integrated with the Cisco TMSXE integration. The utility scans all mailboxes on the local
Exchange Server and displays all those that have the TANDBERG custom attribute defined in the
TMS-ID – Displays the System-ID of the Cisco TMS system this account is associated with
Display Name – Displays the name as read from the ‘Display Name’ attribute of the Active
Directory account associated with this mailbox
AD Account – Displays the DN of the Active Directory account associated with this mailbox
Tip: The user accounts and mailboxes created to represent Cisco TMS systems do not require or
consume Client Access Licenses (CAL) for your Exchange Server. CAL licenses are tied to users or
devices accessing the server, not the mailboxes themselves. An installation of Cisco TMSXE would
only need one CAL for the server’s components themselves.
Adding Systems Button
The Arrow button between the columns in the Operation tab is used to link systems from Cisco TMS
to resource accounts in Exchange. Details regarding this functionality are covered in section Enabling
Cisco TMS systems in Exchange.
Right-clicking on any entry in the right-hand column presents a pop-up menu of available tools and
actions. Use the shift or control keys to select multiple entries. These actions are primarily used for
removing accounts from the integration, troubleshooting, or advanced installation scenarios.
The list below describes each of the actions available
Enable sink(s)
Enables the sinks in the mailbox used to notify Cisco TMS about a booking in
Exchange. When disabling the sinks, no check or booking is done on the Cisco
TMS server, and the booking will only be done in Exchange. Used for repairing a
damaged account or for advanced installation scenarios.
Test sink(s)
This tests if the sinks defined in the mailbox are calling the integration
components with Cisco TMS properly. This is done by doing a booking in the
past, and verifies that Cisco TMS replies with an exception informing that the
bookings can not be done in the past. This can be used to validate bookings from
Exchange to Cisco TMS are operating properly for this account. This is a
troubleshooting-only tool.
Disable sink(s)
Disables the sinks in the mailbox used to notify Cisco TMS about a booking in
Exchange. When disabling the sinks, no check or booking is done on the Cisco
TMS server, and the booking will only be done in Exchange. Used for
troubleshooting purposes.
Add Calendar
Adds the groups defined in the Resource Defaults page as Editor and Author
permissions respectively to the Calendar permissions of the selected mailboxes.
Useful for updating existing accounts if those group settings are updated.
Add Service
Gives the Exchange-side service account (TMS-Service) permissions to the