Cisco CNS NetFlow Collection Engine Installation and Configuration Guide, 5.0.2
Chapter 2 Installing CNS NetFlow Collection Engine
Installing on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Platform
Step 4
The install script checks whether the CNS Netflow Collection Engine is already installed and verifies
that the CNS Netflow Collection Engine is not running on the system:
Searching for existing copy of CSCOnfc..
Found previous copy of CSCOnfc, performing upgrade...
If the CNS Netflow Collection Engine is running, an error is indicated and the install is terminated. You
must stop all NFC processes before attempting to install CNS NetFlow Collection Engine on a Red Hat
Enterprise Linux platform.
If the CNS Netflow Collection Engine was already installed, all files under
automatically moved to the directory
, and all files under
moved to
Note that all output files under
and all
files in the logs directory are
Appendix G, “CNS NetFlow Collection Engine Migration Tools,”
of the
Cisco CNS NetFlow
Collection Engine User Guide
for information on the CNS NetFlow Collection Engine Release 5.0
migration tool.
When upgrading to CNS Netflow Collection Engine, Release 5.0.2 from version 5.0 or 5.0.1, a
migration script is run to automatically migrate minor changes in the XML configuration format
for release 5.0.2. In certain unusual cases, additional information may be displayed in Step 7
below about a configuration incompatibility that cannot be resolved automatically. In that case,
refer to details about configuration format updates introduced in CNS Netflow Collection
Engine, Release 5.0.2 in the
Release Notes for Cisco CNS NetFlow Collection Engine, 5.0.2
Step 5
Unlike earlier releases of the CNS Netflow Collection Engine, programs are not installed with
permission. As a result, you must select an existing userid as the owner of installed files
and NFC processes:
Enter the existing user account that will run NetFlow Collector [nfcuser]: nfcuser
In this example, the
account was specified. If this account does not already exist on the system
then it will be created with a password and group equal to the username.
File ownership is set to the specified user. Also, if the autostart option is selected later during the
installation, the CNS Netflow Collection Engine processes are owned by this user when started at system
initialization. Otherwise, the CNS Netflow Collection Engine must be started manually by this user; if
not, the CNS Netflow Collection Engine will not have write permission for its files and directories.
Step 6
Specify whether the CNS Netflow Collection Engine should be started automatically when the system
Would you like the Flow Collector applications to be
automatically started when the system is initialized? (y/n)? y
If you respond
, the following rc scripts are created for autostarting CNS Netflow Collection Engine
when the system initializes and autostopping at shutdown:
/rc0.d/K99csco_nfcd (symbolic link to
/rc1.d/K99csco_nfcd (symbolic link to
/rc2.d/S99csco_nfcd (symbolic link to
/rc3.d/S99csco_nfcd (symbolic link to