30 Replacing the Chassis Interface (CI) Board in the Cisco 7500 Series Chassis
Checking the CI Installation
Step 2
About 60 seconds after you turn the power ON, verify that the NORMAL LED on the RSP
goes ON, which indicates that the system software booted successfully. If it does go ON,
proceed to Step 3. If it does not go on, do the following:
Reseat the RSP(s) to ensure a good connection to the backplane.
Reseat the CI to ensure that it is connected to the backplane correctly. After you turn the
power switch OFF, refer to the procedures for accessing the CI in the section appropriate
to your chassis type.
When you reach the CI, pull it out of the backplane socket and examine the 96-pin
connector (on the backplane side of the board) for bent pins or other obvious damage.
If the CI appears damaged, contact a service representative; refer to the note following
the section “Cisco Connection Online” on page 39. Otherwise, follow the CI
installation instructions in the section appropriate to your chassis type.
After you ensure that the CI is installed correctly and have replaced all system
components, repeat step 1 of this procedure. While the system starts up, observe the
behavior of the LEDs on the RSP (so that you can report the behavior to a service
representative if you need to call for technical assistance). If the NORMAL LED on the
RSP still remains off, contact a service representative for further instructions; refer to
the note following the section “Cisco Connection Online” on page 39.
If after several attempts, the CI does not appear to be functioning properly, or if you
experience trouble with the installation (for instance, if the holes in the board do not align with the
backplane holes, the connectors do not mate correctly, and so forth), contact a service representative
for assistance; refer to the note following the section “Cisco Connection Online” on page 39.
Step 3
If the CI is installed correctly, the router should boot up normally and you should see a
banner displayed on your console similar to the following:
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) GS Software (RSP-JV-M), Released Version 11.1(1) [biff 100]
Copyright (c) 1986-1996 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 10-May-96 06:48 by biff
The Cisco Internetwork Operating System (Cisco IOS) release displayed and the format of
the display will vary depending on your system and the Cisco IOS release it is running.
Step 4
At the user-level EXEC prompt, enter the enable command. The EXEC prompts you for a
privileged-level password, as follows:
Router> enable
Step 5
When you enter the correct password and press Return, the system displays the
privileged-mode system prompt (#) as follows: