Verifying the DAI Configuration
C H A P T E R 1 5
Configuring IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Authentication
Information About 802.1x Port-Based Authentication
Port-Based Authentication Process
Port-Based Authentication Initiation and Message Exchange
Authentication Manager for Port-Based Authentication
Port-Based Authentication Methods
Port-Based Authentication Manager CLI Commands
Ports in Authorized and Unauthorized States
Port-Based Authentication and Switch Stacks
802.1x Multiple Authentication Mode
802.1x Accounting Attribute-Value Pairs
Switch-to-RADIUS-Server Communication
802.1x Authentication with VLAN Assignment
802.1x Authentication with Per-User ACLs
802.1x Authentication with Downloadable ACLs and Redirect URLs
Cisco Secure ACS and Attribute-Value Pairs for the Redirect URL
Cisco Secure ACS and Attribute-Value Pairs for Downloadable ACLs
VLAN ID-based MAC Authentication
802.1x Authentication with Guest VLAN
802.1x Authentication with Restricted VLAN
802.1x Authentication with Inaccessible Authentication Bypass
Inaccessible Authentication Bypass Support on Multiple-Authentication Ports
Inaccessible Authentication Bypass Authentication Results
Inaccessible Authentication Bypass Feature Interactions
802.1x User Distribution Configuration Guidelines
Catalyst 2960-XR Switch Security Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX1