On the banner page, you can specify text in the login page.
The pages are in HTML.
You must include an HTML redirect command in the success page to access a specific URL.
The URL string must be a valid URL (for example, http://www.cisco.com). An incomplete URL might
page not found
or similar errors on a web browser.
If you configure web pages for HTTP authentication, they must include the appropriate HTML commands
(for example, to set the page time out, to set a hidden password, or to confirm that the same page is not
submitted twice).
The CLI command to redirect users to a specific URL is not available when the configured login form
is enabled. The administrator should ensure that the redirection is configured in the web page.
If the CLI command redirecting users to specific URL after authentication occurs is entered and then
the command configuring web pages is entered, the CLI command redirecting users to a specific URL
does not take effect.
Configured web pages can be copied to the switch boot flash or flash.
On stackable switches, configured pages can be accessed from the flash on the stack master or members.
The login page can be on one flash, and the success and failure pages can be another flash (for example,
the flash on the stack master or a member).
You must configure all four pages.
The banner page has no effect if it is configured with the web page.
All of the logo files (image, flash, audio, video, and so on) that are stored in the system directory (for
example, flash, disk0, or disk) and that must be displayed on the login page must use
as the file name.
The configured authentication proxy feature supports both HTTP and SSL.
Catalyst 2960-X Switch Security Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2)EX
Configuring Web-Based Authentication
Web Authentication Customizable Web Pages