Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Outdoor Access Point/Bridge Hardware Installation Guide
This guide is for the networking professional who installs and manages the Cisco Aironet 1300 Series
Outdoor Access Point/Bridge. The 1300 series access point/bridge is available in autonomous and
lightweight configurations.
To use this guide with an autonomous access point/bridge, you should have experience working with
Cisco IOS software and be familiar with the concepts and terminology of wireless local area networks.
To use this guide with lightweight access points, you should have experience working with a Cisco
wireless LAN controller (hereafter called a
) and be familiar with the concepts and
terminology of wireless LANs.
This guide provides the information you need to install your autonomous or lightweight access point.
For detailed information about Cisco IOS commands used with autonomous access points, refer to the
Cisco IOS Command Reference for Cisco Aironet Access Points and Bridges
for this release. For
information about the standard Cisco IOS Release 12.3 commands, refer to the Cisco IOS documentation
set available from the Cisco.com home page at
Technical Support & Documentation
. On the Technical
Support & Documentation home page, click
Cisco IOS Software
Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.3
For information about controllers, refer to the Cisco documentation sets available from the Cisco.com
home page at
Technical Support & Documentation
. On the Technical Support & Documentation home
page, click
and the documentation is listed under the “Wireless LAN Controllers” section.
This guide contains the following sections:
Chapter 1, “Overview,”
describes the major components, features, and specifications of the access
Chapter 2, “Installation Overview,”
provides warnings, safety information, and information needed
before you begin the installation of your access point/bridge system.