VCC-SXCXP3M Rev. 905-0049-00
©2017 CIS Corporation. All rights reserved.
8.6 Shading Correction
This is a function to correct the peripheral brightness lowering caused by the lens and others used.
Detect Shading
Shoot a uniform object such as a pattern box, to full screen, then execute DetectShading, to calculate and save the
correction data automatically in the camera.
* When detecting shading, please make sure that ROI and sub-sampling settings are OFF.
* If DetectShading is executed with no video output at trigger mode operation, it cannot operate properly.
To operate DetectShading properly, a trigger signal shall be input within 200ms after execution.
Shading Correction
Turn ShadingCorrection ON to start shading correction according to the shading correction data prepared by
DetectShading function.
Before Shading Correction
After Shading Correction
8.7 Black Level adjustment
The initial setting value is 20.
Black level is adjustable with relative values. When it is increased by 1, its luminance level changes by approx. 0.25
at 8 bit output, and it changes by approx. 1.0 at 10 bit output.
When the lower values than the initial value are set, saturation level would not achieve to the maximum value for
output range.