CIRWATT B 101-102
Instruction Manual
2�13 - REAL-TIME CLOCK (depending on the model)
The meter has a real-time clock capable of keeping the date and time with a drift of less than 0.5
seconds/day, as specified in the UNE EN 61038 standard.
The clock maintains this accuracy whether it is powered from the mains or by its own battery.
2�14 - BATTERY
The meter has a battery that allows the clock to remain operational in real time. This battery is not
removable and is sized to supply power for 5 years without plugging in the meter. When the meter is
plugged in, the battery consumption is zero. The use of laser-sealed batteries minimises the amount
of self-discharge, which makes it possible to guarantee the battery for the 20 years of the meter's
useful life.
Every version of the device has an optical serial communications port, as per the IEC
standard. The communications port is fully compatible with the optical ports approved by the leading
electricity companies.
On the surface of the cover there is a profile for properly attaching and placing the optical heads.
2�16 - RESET
There is a full reset mode that re-establishes the default factory parameters on the unit and sets the
records to zero, except for the total values of the 6 energy magnitudes (EN50470-1 Standard, section
This function is executed locally and acts on an element inside the physical enclosure, generating
an event. All programmed parameters and stored data will be deleted. The following data will be
maintained: date and time, battery status, manufacturer-set parameters and distributor-set parameters
(passwords, 9600 baud serial communications port, 7E1 serial port configuration and automatic
seasonal change).
2�17 - TARIFFS
The energy meter can handle up to 4 tariffs. These tariffs can be configured for different seasons (usu-
ally winter/summer), tariff periods and types of day (working or holiday).
These configurations are set in the factory or by authorised staff.
2�17�1 - SEASONS
A season is defined as each period of time in which a natural year can be divided and during which the
associated billing conditions are not modified.
A maximum of 2 seasons can be configured. Only 2 seasons are defined for the year and they are